Downy Rinse and Refresh Lavender
A breakthrough laundry odor remover that helps rinse away the smelly residue trapped within fabric fibers.
Citric Acid - Cleansing Agent
Sodium Citrate - Softener
Propylene Glycol - Solvent
C12:16 pareth - Processing Aid
Sodium Cumenesulfate - Stabilizer;
Fragrances - Freshness
Usage Instructions
- After adding your favorite detergent, measure the amount of rinse and refresh for the size of your load.
- Pour the liquid it into your liquid fabric softener dispenser or directly into the rinse cycle.
Where to Buy
Customer Reviews
1441 total
4.7 / 5Value
4.7 / 5Quality
Featured Reviews![ArrowDown className={styles.reviewfilter.productCategoryArrowDown}]()
July 15, 2024
What pet smell??
No matter how many times I washed my dog's bedding, blankets, and toys, there would still be a slight lingering "dog drool smell". And I've noticed my towels don't ever smell totally clean either. So I picked this up to try and now want to immediately rewash everything in my house with it. I seriously cannot believe how well this works to clean and deodorize. I will never be without it.
Yes, I recommend this product!
June 05, 2024
Awesome on Clothes
Fell in love with this specific product in my clothes care routine . Today I used it to deep clean my carpets with my Bissel wet vacuum! Best way to deodorize and fluff and soften the carpet fibers! I mixed it with apple cider vinegar and diluted with a gallon of water. Best scent and results ever!!!!!!Try it yourself ! No harsh chemicals. If it’s safe on clothes worn every day, why not.
Yes, I recommend this product!
Yes, I recommend this product!