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Creative Tips & Tricks For Home with Unstopables Scent beads

Tips to keep home fresh using Downy unstpoables In-wash scent boosters
Downy Un-stopables In-wash Scent Boosters

Just because these fragrance-packed beads have “In-Wash” in their name doesn’t mean you can’t experience their fresh and luxurious scents in other creative ways, without your washing machine.

Creative Ways to Use Unstopables™ Beads in Your Home  - Hero

Unexpected Luxury for Your Home or Car

Wash your curtains and cushions with Downy unstopable in wash scent boosters

You can keep your favorite Unstopables scents filling the whole house even if you haven’t done a load of laundry in weeks by simply tucking away a small sachet of Unstopables beads into your linen closet or dresser drawers. Or, if you want luxurious fresh scents to-go, you can even put a sachet in your car. Just don’t hold us responsible if you never want to leave your car.

Unstopables In-Wash Scent Boosters Aren’t Just for Clothes

Keep your house fragrance filled with Downy unstopable in wash scent boosters

OK. We know we started off by saying these tips are for some clever uses for In-Wash Scent Booster beads outside of the washing machine, but we couldn’t resist one washing tip. If your throw-pillow covers and curtains are washable, be sure to use Unstopables to add a freshness to these items that you only clean a few times a year.

Even Stinky Sneakers Can Have a Hint of Luxury

Add freshness to the pillow covers and curtains by using a downy unstopables scent booster while washing.

No matter how classy, fabulous, or glamorous a pair of shoes are, they still spend much of their time in contact with feet. But fear not! Even though you can’t wash shoes, a night out at a dance club in your favorite heels or a full day’s work in your favorite slippers are no match for Unstopables In-Wash Scent Booster beads. Just slip a few beads into an old pair of sneakers or winter boots, and enjoy the finer side of life, luxuriously and carefree.

Did you know?

Downy helps protect your clothes from 50 mph spinning in your washing machine.

Downy helps protect your clothes from 60 times the G Force of a space rocket launch.

Downy helps protect your clothes from a dryer hot enough to cook ribs.