How The Smell Works To Enhance Everything

Learn how to use scent to improve your travel experiences and your sleep, and to reinforce your memories.

- Get a good night’s sleep

Hard time drifting off? Have you tried scented bed linens? You haven’t? Oh, you just must! Tonight, before you do anything else, swap your sheets and pillowcases for feisty, fresh-scented ones. Using your favorite Downy Unstopables In-Wash Scent Booster scent on your bed linens will have you counting sheets… err, sheep… in no time.
- Have smell, will travel

We see travel in your future. It’s a business trip, isn’t it? Or maybe family reunion. Or a long trip to just clear your head until you find the World’s Largest Rocking Chair. Wherever you’re going, bring along some of your comfort zone—with a blanket that smells of home, or with clothes that have been treated to the scentrageously fresh scents of Downy Unstopables In-Wash Scent Boosters. If you’re taking that long road trip, you can drive a car-full of freshness for days, no, weeks—12 weeks* to be exact—and forget all about those stale on-the-road smells. Bonus: If your extended family drives you crazy, you can always find your happy place in the car.
- Create long-lasting memories

They say that the sense of smell has the strongest memory trigger. “They” being those science-y, biology, smarty-pants types. Still reading? If you haven’t trailed off to the next article, here’s how it works: The part of the brain that processes smells (the olfactory cortex) is located extremely close to the part where memories are processed (the hippocampus and amygdala). At least, that’s what our smarty-pants friend told us.
ANYWAYS. You can easily reinforce a memory by including a particular smell—and again, let’s opt for a GOOD smell. So, start reinforcing with us. That way, the scandalously invigorating scent of Unstopables Fresh will remind you of your home. And we’re pretty sure Unstopables Shimmer already makes you think about your friend Christy. Oh, that Christy. She’s such a Shimmer.
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